Shape your Vision of Mathsby Geoff White, B.Ed.
The Fields Medal Winner of 2022 is Hugo Duminil-Copin,
"- for solving outstanding problems in the probabalistic theory of phase transitiuons in statistical physics, especially in dimensions three and four." "Making mistakes is just an important component of the creative process and you have to teach younger people how to accept that. Once they start to get it math becomes more joyful." He says,
In Mortensen Math we enable students to "explore and discover" by creating learning opportunities with the manipulatives. We develop vision by insisting that they "see all numbers as rectangles" so many over and so many up. Then ask them to draw what they built. It is in the building and the drawing that understanding takes place, not in the abstract memorizing of symbols. Yes, of course we will teach notation, but later. Making math available to multiple senses is crucial to success and to the motivation to study it. If all math is to you is the memorization of facts, rules, formulae and process, it is not likely that your desire will survive grade school. Hugo Dumini-Copin studies phase transitions. That is what we call it when water, say, changes state from liquid to solid (freezing) or to vapor (boiling). He envisioned a fountain and puzzled over how to study the motion of individual water droplets. Playing with blocks and building numbers to solve small problems is the stepping stone to a love of and success in mathematics. Go here to get the FREE booklet: How to teach Multiplication with Manipulatives using the Mortensen Method
Teacher's Handbook for Teaching Math with Manipulatives- In use in schools and homes around the world: Canada, USA, UK, Eire, Holland, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Papua & New Guinea, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, SW Africa, Mexico, to name a few where I have placed it personally.
Table of Contents The Premise The Five-Minute Overview of the Method Key Phrases in Mortensen Math Very Brief Summary of the Method Psychological Principles at Work Introduction - cont'd Create a Math-Rich Environment The Teacher's Role & Student Self-Esteem Six Key Ideas from Jerry Mortensen Appendices: Section One - Counting Section Two - Addition Section Three - Subtraction Section Four - Multiplication Section Five - Division Section Six - Fractions Section Seven - Algebra Section Eight - Solving Equations Section Nine - Functions & Relations Section Ten - Story Problems Section Eleven - Mortensen Math Program NOW in .PDF format! No postage costs, instant delivery! The Teacher's handbook, 250 pages, full color, $65 USD
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