TO ORDER: Send payment by Paypal, (click the button at the right)
include your name, shipping address, zip code, phone number and details of your order, to:
geoff @ (no spaces in e-mail) (just click the button at the right)
Questions are always welcome. Shipping included in continental USA

To teach Mortensen Math you need #1 the method, #2 manipulatives, #3 exercise books & manual

If budget is a challenge, the essential is to learn the method by, for example, the Teacher's Handbook. You can make base ten tiles out of a cereal box and do examples from a school textbook or out of your head, but you must have the method. Buy the book, attend a workshop, study videos to glean the principles, but you can't teach Mortensen Math without knowing the method. For more, see Comparing Methods
Main Page

Exercise Books & Manuals

Prices as of March 21st, 2024
NB. All prices are in US dollars.

**Scope & Sequence charts are below in the blue panel.

Book Prices - $3.50 each book To choose the correct books see the chart below in blue for school grade references. **Scope & Sequence charts are below in the blue panel. **Scope & Sequence charts are below in the blue panel. **Scope & Sequence charts are below in the blue panel. **Scope & Sequence charts are below in the blue panel. SMILEY FACE : These are for pre-school age. answers are multiple choice, selected by drawing in a smiley face. Reg $3.50 each book (books 1-10 in each strand) Counting, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division LEVEL 1 - approx. grades K-3 (bks 1-10 in each strand): $3.50 each book Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus, Measurement, Problem Solving, N.B. Algebra. & Calculus are introduced at the level of K-3 using Mortensen math, this is how it should be done. But, no matter what age you introduce alg. & calc., start here. LEVEL 2 - approx. grades 4-6 (bks 1-10 in each strand): $3.50 each book Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus, Measurement, Problem Solving, LEVEL 3 - approx. grades 7-9 (bks 1-10 in each strand): $3.50 each book Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus, Measurement, Problem Solving, Level 4 (40 books) $3.50 each book Algebra, (10 bks) Measurement (Trig), (10 bks) Problem Solving, (10 bks) Calculus (Differential)(10 bks) Level 5 (10 bks) - $3.50 each book Calculus ANS KEYS: anskcd (CD ONLY. No longer available in printed form.). CD ONLY - DIYP - Do it yourself printing ANSWER KEY ALL. L2 - L5 Previously $150 (printed version) NOW ONLY $42 includes: Answer Key L1 (See Algebra Guidebook L1 for Algebra L1 Answer Key) Answer Key L2 Answer Key L3 Answer Key L4-5 Facts Mastery Bks Addition Facts Mastery (10) $3.50ea Multiplication Facts Mastery (10) $3.50ea Manuals: Level 1 - $42 Level 2 - $26.25 Level 3 - $31.50

nb.:QVP means Quantity Volume Pricing based on case minimums)

shipping to continental USA included. Payment by Paypal or credit card through Paypal NB. Books will not be uniform. They will be mixed style/format.

Now in .pdf for only $25!

The Complete Method

- in a printable .pdf file - 46 pages, 11"x8.5"
- fully illustrated in color
- all you need to know to teach math with manipulatives
- K-12 including fractions, decimals, algebra, solving equations, problem solving, etc.
- complete academic foundation supported by research citations.
- quick delivery by e-mail (M-F)
- Only $25, via Paypal to:
geoff @

NB. "The Complete Method" is Section one of:

Teacher's Handbook for Teaching Math with Manipulatives using the Mortensen Method

A must have for homeschoolers and teachers alike. Table of Contents

250 pages, 11x8.5, (200 additional pages of lessons - all topics)
$65 in .pdf, - no printing cost, no shipping

So, you can buy The Complete Method, maybe that's all you need, say, if you are an experienced home schooler or a school teacher. If not, you can buy the Complete Method, then upgrade to the whole Handbook later - 210 additional pages of illustrated lessons for only $40

Manipulatives Kits:
Combo Kits,
Fractions kits, etc.
Full Listing Here:

Description of MM Program & Materials

Exercise Books

The Mortensen "more than Math" Program consists of 200 exercise books defined in Five strands:
Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus, Measurement and Problem-Solving.
They are arranged in Five levels approximating in difficulty as follows:







School Grade

K - 3

4 - 6

7 - 8

9 - 10


Contains (10 books in each):

Alg, Arith, Calc., Meas, Prob.Solv.

Alg, Arith, Calc., Meas, Prob.Solv.

Alg, Arith, Calc., Meas, Prob.Solv.

Alg, Calc., Meas, Prob.Solv.


no. of exbks in each level






Scope & Sequence of Exercise Books: detail

This can only be approximate as curricula vary from district to district and many do not include some topics at particular grades. The table above is shown only as a guide to purchasing materials. All arithmetic is covered before grade 9 for example, and yes we have "Kindergarten Calculus!"

The books are numbered but, nothing in Book One Level One Algebra indicates the Student's intended age, thus it may be used with teenagers or adults as readily as with elementary aged pupils depending on their ability.

The exercise books increase in difficulty incrementally as the numbers grow higher. Once a student has done all 200 exercise books she will have covered the entire school curriculum in mathematics as prescribed by most school districts. Some variations are inevitable as the program is used throughout North America from Florida to Alaska in Australia and in Europe, by independent schools and in Public Schools with adult learners and in Montessori Pre-schools.

Scope & Sequence of Ex. Books


There are Teacher's Manuals with each of the first Three Levels only. The manuals closely parallel the exercise books. Each page, every example in the exercise books has an explanatory page in the manual. The manual includes illustrations of the manipulatives to be used and even an "idealized dialogue" between teacher and pupil, demonstrating the use of key phrases.

Where the Mortensen Manuals parallel the exercise books my Teacher's Handbook covers a topic, say, Multiplication vertically across all modes: whole numbers, fractions, decimals, algebra, at once showing the teaching method and emphasizing the transference of skills.

The Teacher (or Parent) having once acquired facility with the method may apply it to any example taken from any source. The Mortensen Manuals enable the teacher to pick out coaching techniques for an example giving difficulty to a student, spontaneously on request - a great help when you have many students working independently at their own pace.


These come in three kinds from Mortensen: Base Ten blocks - � inch scale plastic blocks, hollow, (open on one side - to be used as negatives,) and with gradations on one side for counting.
Ranging from units to tens, and hundred squares, 5"x5", smooth on one side for use as X-squares, gridded on the other for use in arithmetic.

The Combo Kit - $170 USD ***Special - discount $20 = $150 until May 31st 2023 This is the primary toolbox. Pretty much all examples can be done with
combo blocks (1/2" scale) Seen at right below.

- even fractions and large numbers.

Combo kit includes: 9x100 squares, 40x10 bars,
9 each of 2 through 9, 24x1, assorted extras.

This set of manipulatives is used from Kindergarten examples to University level problem solving and it is urged that teachers employ manipulatives at all levels of competence and difficulty.

Basic Operations Tiles - smaller scale pieces in units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and a ten thousand square - for operations with four and five figure numbers and decimals. Also useful for trigonometry.

Fractions Overlays - plastic tiles, transparent and opaque on a 5"x5" standard unit with coloured strips to show halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, sevenths, eighths, and ninths.

Worldwide, there are two official suppliers of the above materials: myself and Crewton Ramone.
To order send payment by Paypal to

geoff @ (no spaces)

Prices vary as currency fluctuates.
It may be possible to purchase from ESC Canada more economically than from Mortensen direct. Please Inquire.
The price list attached is, of course, is subject to change. Shipping costs vary.

Main Page  

| Purchasing Dilemmas | Products/Price List | Comparing Methods | Understanding | Mental Images | A Fractions Example | Psychological Principles at Work | Self-Esteem - Teacher's Role | Acquiring Meaning | A Philosophy of Teaching Math | A Math-Rich Environment | Main Page