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A Sport and a Pastime, J.Salter, Bantam, 1967 Autobiographu of a Flea, Carroll & Graf, 1983 2 copies erotica Delta of Venus, Anais Nin, Bantam, 1977 Deep Down, sensual writing by women, ed.Chester, Faber, 1989 Erotic Poems, TR Smith, Poplar Press, 1978 Exit to Eden, Anne Rice, Dell Fanny Hill, John Cleland, Putnam, 1963 Fever, Sensual stories by Women, Harper Collins, 1994 Hot Server, M.Doren, Midwood, 1978 Memoirs of a Geisha, Arthur Golden, Vintage, 1997 My Life & Loves, Frank harris, Grove Press, 1963, erotica Precocious Niece, The, Allan Fox, Pleasure Books, 1978 erotica Sexual Life of Catherine M., C. Millet, Grove Press, 2001
Bedford Anthology of British literature, Chaucer: Canterbury Tales, N.Coghill, Penguin, 1951 Crisis, The, Thomas Paine, Penguin, 1995 Devils, The, Dostoyevsky, Penguin, 1953 Dubliners, The, Joyce, Penguin, 1976 Emma, Jane Austen, Penguin, 1994 Great Books Foundation, Boxed set, 1962 Great Expectations, Charles Dickens, Signet Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald, 1953 Historical Portraits from Eng. Lit., Tickner, Nelson, 1937 Light in August, Faulkner, RHse, 1968 Longman Anthology of British Literature, vol.1, Longman Anthology of British Literature, vol.2, Norton Anthology First edition, Norton Anthology Fifth edition, 2 copies Norton Anthology, Sixth Edition On The Road, Jack Kerouac, Signet 1957 Pocket Robert Louis Stevenson, Chatto&Sons, 1905 Sonnets of Wm. Shakespeare, Shepheard, 1974 Sun Also Rises, The, E. Hemingway, 1926 Tender is the Night, Fitzgerald, Wordsworth, 1995 Tess of the D'Urbervilles, T.Hardy, Penguin, 1978 Ulysses, James Joyce, Vintage, 1961 War & Peace, Tolstoy, Penguin, 1978
333 Science tricks & Experiments, Brown, Tab, 1984 A Beginner's Guide to the Skies, Mayall, Cornerstone, 1960 Ancient Engineers, L Sprague De Camp, Ballantine, 1963 A Planet called Earth, Gamow, Bantam, 1965 Astronomy, Introduction to, Baker & Friedrich, Van Nostrand, 1968 Atlas of the Universe, Sir Patrick Moore, Firefly Atom, The, L.M. Krauss, Being Digital, Negroponte, Random House, 1995 non-fic Brain, The, R.Restak, Warner, 1979 Brief History of Time, Hawking, Bantam, 1988 2 copies Broca's Brain, Carl Sagan, Random House, 1974 Chemicals of Life, The, Asimov, Mentor, 1954 Cosmic Connection, The, Sagan, Dell, 1973 Dead Heat: Race Against Greenhouse Effect, Oppenheimer, 1990 Demon-Haunted World, The, C.Sagan, RHse, 1996 Diversity of Life, Ed Wilson, Belknap, 1992 Dragon's Den, Sagan, Ballantine, 1977 Earthtime, Suzuki, Stoddart, 1998 Exploration of Mars, Bizony, Aurum, 1998 Fear of Physics, L.M. Krauss, Basic, 1993 Fearful Symmetry, A.Zee, First Three Minutes, The, Steven Weinberg, Bantam, 1977 Hen's Teeth & Horse's Toes, SJ Gould, Norton, 1983 Let's Look at the Sky, P.Moore, Carousel, 1975 Life of the Cosmos, Lee Smolin, Oxford, 1997 Marvel's of Science, Asimov, Collier, 1957 Neutrino, The, Asimov, Discus, 1966 One Two Three.. Infinity, George Gamow, Bantam, 1947 Only A Trillion, Asimov, Ace, 1957 Order Out of Chaos, Prigogene & Stengers, Quasars, Pulsars & Black Holes, F Golden, Pocket 1977 Report on Planet Three, A.C. Clarke, Signet, 1972 Science & Unreason, Radner, Wadsworth, 1982 Science: Good, Bad & Bogus, M.Gardner, Avon, 1981 Size of the Universe, The, FJ Hargreaves, Pelican, 1948 Smithsonian Treasury of 20C Science Solar System, The, Smoluchowski, SAL, 1983 Stars in their Courses, The, Asimov, Ace, 1971 Sun Shines Bright, The, Asimov, Avon, 1981 Supernature, L.Watson, Coronet, 1973 Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman, R.Feynman, Bantam, 1985 Today and Tomorrow, Asimov, Dell, 1973 Universe, The, Asimov, Avon, 1966 Universe and Eye, The, T Ferris, Chronicle, 1993 Up the Infinite Corridor, F.Hapgood, Addison, 1993 Voyages Through the Universe, vol 1 ed.Fraknoi et al, HBC 1997 World of Nitrogen, Asimov, Collier, 1966
5 Approaches to Literary Criticism, W.Scott, Collier, 1962 1001 Ways to Market Your Book, JKremer, Open Horizons 1998 2000 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market, Writer's Digest Anguished English, R.Lederer, Dell, 1987 A Novel Approach, J.White, Quality, 1994 Aspects of the Novel, EM Forster, Penguin, 1962 British Literature since 1900, Flanagan, Forum House, 1970 Canadian Writer's Market, The, S.Tooze, McClelland & Stewart, 2004 Craft of Writing, McMaster, Longmanns, 1962 Critical Theory Since Plato, ed. H.Adams, HBJ 1992 Dropped Threads 3, Vintage Canada, 2006 Elements of Style, Strunk & White, MacMillan, 1972 2 copies Female Eunuch, The, G.Greer, Paladin, 1971 Future of the Novel, Henry James, Random House 1956 Great Quotations, G.Seldes, Pocket Books, 1967 Introduction to Literature, 1981, Thomas et al. Holt Handbook, Kirszner, Holt, Rinehart, Winton, 1986 How Writing Shapes Thinking, Langer, NCTE, 1987 Literary Criticism & Theory, Bennett & Royle, Prentice-Hall, 1995 Manual of Style, A, Chicago University Press Norton Reader, 4th Edition, 1977 On Lies, Secrets * Silence, Adrienne Rich, Norton, 1979 Our Language, S.Potter, Pelican, 1950 Pears Encyclopedia, Jr, Pelham, 1982 Penguin Dictionary of Quotations, Cohen, 1962 Peter's Quotations, Dr. LJ Peter, Bantam, 1979 Poetry of Experience, R.Langbaum, Norton, 1957 Post-Colonial Literary Studies, Lazarus, Cambridge, 2007 Queen's English, H.Blamires, Bloomsbury, 1994 Rip-Off: writer's guide to crimes of deception, Faron, 1998 Sex, Art & American Culture, Camille Paglia, Random Hse 1992 Sexual Politics, K.Millett, Abacus, 1972 Shapes of Fiction, Gross, HRW Theories of Literature 20th C, Fokkema & Ibsch, Hurst, UK, 1978 Wanted Words 2, Jane farrow, Stoddart 2001 Webster's Dictionary of Word Origins, M-W 1991 Why Johnny Can't Read, R.Flesch, Harper, 1966 Writer's Handbook, ed. S Burack, The Writer Inc., 1995 Writer's Manual, Porter et al, Coles, 1980 Writing for Love & Money, J.White, Quality, 1989 Writing Prose: Techniques & Purposes, Oxford, 1981
23 Days in July, Wilcockson, Annapurna, M Herzog, Fontana, 1952 Arnold, A.Shwarzenegger, Pocket 1977 Basketball for Dummies, IDG, 1997 Cycling Adventures of Coconut Head, Ted Shred, Cycling the Mediterranean, K.Nasr, Bicycle Books, 1990 Drive, Larry Bird, Bantam, 1989 Bio Exploring by Bike, Wilson, Gundy's 1973 Fitness For Dummies, IDG, 1996 For the Love of the Game, Jordan, Crown, 1998 Great Moments in Sports, ed.Mulvoy, Rutledge, 1981 From Hodgkin's to Ironman, Wally Hild, 1999 From Kooty w/Love, Jon-Lee Kootnikoff, Horizon, 1990 signed I Can't Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan, 1994 It's Not About the Bike, Lance Armstrong Juggling for the Complete Klutx, Klutz Press, 1977 Latin America by Bike, W.Sienko, The Mountaineers, 1993 Lore of Running, Tim Noakes, Leisure Press, 1991 Marathon, Higdon, Rodale, 1993 Mental Edge, K,Baum, Perigee, 1999 Mindgames, Phil Jackson, CB, New Nutrition, Dr. M. Colgan, Apple 1995 Olympics, An Illustrated History, Schaap, Knopf, 1963 Okanagan Cycling Trails, Rosenthal, 1996 On Running, Dr. Sheehan, Bantam, 1978 On the Run, Grete Waitz, Rodale, 1997 Quotable Climber, The, ed. Waterman, Lyons, 1998 Running, Start to Finish, Stanton, Lone Pine, 1999 Sports Quotes, Great Quotations, 1984 Total Triathlete, Mark Allen, Contemporary 1988 Ultimate Encyclopedia of Basketball, The, Ron Smith, Ultimate Ride, The, Chris Carmichael, Putnam, 2003 Wooden: Reflections, with S.Jamison, 1997
A Leaf, Dead, and lately Fallen, Casablanca, 2008 Poetry Tetroid, Casablanca, 1997, SF Mercenary Rain, SF unpublished Mercenary Sun, SF unpublished Never Kiss A Smiling Buddha, unpublished action/thriller Teacher's Handbook for Teaching Math with Manipulatives Wendy Goes Windjammin', erotica, 1998
Asimov on Numbers, Pocket, 1977 Calculus Made Easy, S.P.Thompson, MacMillan, 1957 Facts From Figures, Moroney, Pelican, 1951 Fermat's Last Theorem, S.Singh, Fourth Estate, 1999 Flatland, EA Abbott, Dover, 1992 2 copies Geometry, Relativity & the Fourth Dimension, Rucker, Dover, 1977 How to Lie with Statistics, D.Huff, Norton, 1954 Innumeracy, Paulos, J. A., Hill& Wang, 1988 Mainstream of Mathematics, E.Kramer, Premier, 1951 Maria Montessori: her life and work, Standing, Mentor 1962 Mathematical Experience, The, Davis & Hersh, Penguin, 1981 Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers, Gardner, Realm of Algebra, The, Asimov, Fawcett, 1961 Teacher's Handbook for Teaching Math with Manipulatives
Chekhov: Major Plays, Signet Complete Works of Wm. Shakespeare, Collins, 1964 It Runs in the Family, Ray Cooney, Samuel French, 1990 Loves of Cass McGuire, The, B.Friel, Samuel French, 1966 (2 copies) Life of Galileo, Bertolt Brecht, Methuen, Chaucer Press, 1980 Making a Good Script Great, L.Seger, Samuel French, 1994 The Beauty Queen of Leenane, Martin McDonagh, Dramatists Guild, 1999 Yesteryear, J.M.Glass, Playwrights Canada Press, 1998
100 Best Loved Poems, Smith, Dover, 1995 20th Century Poetry & Poetics, ed. G.Geddes, Oxford, 1973 A Leaf, Dead, and lately Fallen, Geoff White, Casablanca, 2008 A Child's Christmas in Wales, D.Thomas, Dent, 1968 Collected Poems Of Dylan Thomas, 1938 Modern Poetry from Africa, ed. Moore & Beier, Penguin, 1963 Odyssey of Homer, Lattimore, Harper, 1965 Portable Romantic Poets: Blake to Poe, Ed. Auden, penguin, 1978 Second Century Anthology of Verse, Charlesworth & Lee, Oxford, 1967 Selected Poems: Lawrence Durrell, Faber, 1964 Selected Poems: T.S.Eliot, Faber, 1966 Selected Poems: Paul Verlaine, Penguin, 1974 Selected Poems: Ezra Pound, Faber, 1959 Songs of a Sourdough, Robert Service, McGraw-Hill, 1957 Yeats, Nietzsche, Shaw, Great Books, 1976 Well Wrought Urn, The, Cleanth Brooks, Harvest, 1947 Poetry
Affluent Society, The, JK Galbraith, Pelican, 1963 Age of Analysis, Morton White, Mentor, 1955 Age of Enlightenment, ed. I.Berlin, The, Mentor 1956 Age of Reason, Louis Snyder, Anvil, 1956 Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick, Basic, 1974 Aims of Education, Alfred N.Whitehead, Mentor, 1929 Candide, Voltaire, Bantam Communist Manifesto, Marx & Engels, Pelican, 1967 Concept of Mind, G.Ryle, Penguin, 1990 Critique of Practical Reason: Kant, LW Beck, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall 1993 Critique of Pure Reason, Kant, Anchor, 1966 Das Kapital, Marx, Gateway, 1970 Dictionary of History of Ideas, Scribners, 1973 Dictionary of Philosophy, Pan Books, 1983 Dilemmas, Gilbert Ryle, Cambridge, 1960 Doubter's Companion, J.R.Saul, Penguin, 1995 Ethics, JL Mackie, Penguin, 1977 Existentialists & Mystics, Iris Murdoch, Penguin, 1997 Existentialism from Dostoyevsky to Sartre, Kaufmann, Meridian, 1975 Experience & Education, John Dewey, Collier 1963 Fly and the Fly-Bottle, Ved Mehta, Pelican 1965 German Philosophers: Kant, Hegel etc., Scruton et al, Oxford, 1997 Godel, Escher, Bach, D.Hofstaeder, Government, 2nd Treatise, John Locke, Hackett, 1980 Great Conversation, Great Books, U of Chicago, 1991 Great Issues in Western Civilization, vol.2 ed.Tierney et al, R-H Heritage of Western Civilization, vol.1, P-H, Heritage of Western Civilization, vol.2, P-H, History of W. Philosophy, B.Russell, Simon&Schuster, 1945 2 copies I Seem to Be a Verb, Buckminster Fuller, Bantam 1970 In Praise of Idleness, B.Russell, Unwin, 1960 Language, Truth and Logic, AJ Ayer, Dover, 1952 Lila: an inquiry into Morals, R.Pirsig, Bantam, 1991 Logic & Critical Thinking, MH Salmon, HBJ, 1984 Marx & Rngels Basic Writings, ed.Feuer, 1959 Marx for Beginners, Riis, Pantheon, 1976 Meditations, Rene Descartes, trans. DA Cress, Hackett, 1979 2 copies Metaphysical Foundations of Mod. Science, Burtt, Anchor, 1932 Mind, man, & Machine, Sagal, Hacket, 1994 Mind's I, The, D.Hofstaeder, On Certainty, L.Wittgenstein, Harper, 1969 On Democracy, Cohen & Rogers, 1983 Plato: The Republic, Lee, Penguin, 1953 Prince, The, N.Machiavelli, Dover, 1992 Problem of Knowledge, The AJ Ayer, Pelican, 1956 Public Philosophy, The, W.Lippmann, Mentor, 1955 Philosophy, An Intro, Randall & Buchler, Barnes & Noble, 1942 Philosophy and Science, Mosedale, P-H, Philosophy & Ordinary Language, ed. Caton, U of Ill. 1963 Philosophy, Handbook in the History of, ed. Avey, Barnes & Noble, 1961 Philosophy and Ordinary Language, C. Caton, 1993 Philosophy of Hegel, ed. Friedrich, Random House, 1962 Philosophy of Mind: new essays, ed. Copp & MacIntosh, UofC press, 1985 Philosophy of Modern Art, H. Read, Fawcett, 1952 Philosophy of Psychology, Readings in, vol.1 ed. Block, Harvard, 1980 Philosophy of Psychology, Readings in, vol.2 ed. Block, Harvard, 1980 Philosophy of Science, Alex Bird, 1998 Philosophy of Science, O;Hear, Oxford, 1989 Philosophy (text), Velasquez & Barry, Wadsworth, 1988 Philosophy, The Pleasures of, W. Durant, Simon & Schuster, 1929 Philosophy, The Story of, W. Durant, Simon & Schuster, 1933 Political Ideas, ed. D.Thomson, Pelican, 1969 Practice of Philosophy, Rosenberg, Prentice-Hall, 1984 Pragmatism, William James, Wash.Square, 1963 Principles of Psychology, vol.1, Wm. James, Principles of Psychology, vol.2, Wm. James, Principles of Human Knowledge, A Treatise, Berkeley, Hackett 1982 Rational Choice, J.Elster NYU Press, 1986 Reflections, of a Siamese Twin, J.Ralston Saul, Penguin, 1997 Religion & Philosophy, Curtis, Savage Mind, The, C.Levi-Strauss, Sceptical Essays, Bertrand Russell, Unwin, 1977 Shaping of the Modern Mind, The, C.Brinton, Mentor 1947, Phil. Social Contract, The, Rousseau, Penguin, 1968 Structuralism, Jean Piaget, Harper, 1970 Their Morals and Ours, Leon Trotsky, Pioneer Publishers, 1939 Theory of Knowledge, The, DW Hamlyn, Anchor, 1970 Thinking Machines, Adler, Signet, 1961 Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche, Penguin, 1969 Treatise of Human Nature, D.Hume, Penguin, 1969 Unconscious Civilization, The, JR Saul, Anansi 1995 signed Uses of Lateral Thinking, de Bono, Pelican, 1967 Utopia or Oblivion, Buckminster Fuller, Bantam, 1969 Varieties of Social Explanation, D.Little, Westview, 1991 Voltaire's Bastards, J.Ralston Saul, Penguin, 1992 Web of Belief, JV Quine, McGraw-Hill, 1978 Wittgenstein, David Pears, Collins, 1971 Worldly Philosophers, The, Heilbroner, Simon&Schuster, 1953 3 copies World's Great Thinkers,The, 4vols, ed. Commins & Linscott, Random House, 1947 Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig, Bantam, 1974 3 copies
3001 Final Odyssey, AC Clarke, Del Rey, 1997 40 Minute War, The, Janet&Chris MorrisBaen, 1984 50 Short Science Fiction Tales, ed. Asimov, MacMillan, 1963 SF Across the Sea of Suns, Greg Benford, Bantam, 1987 Active Measures, Janet Morris, Baen, 1985 Afterwar, J.Morris, Baen, 1985 Alien Quartet, D.Thomson, Bloomsbury, 2000 Anything Box, The, Z.Henderson, Avon, 1965 A Philosophical Investigation, P.Kerr, Seal Books, 1992 SF Bodyguard, ed. HL Gold, Pocket Books, 1961 SF Bright Messengers, Gentry Lee, Bantam 1996 SF Building Harlequin's Moon, L.Niven, Tor, 2005 Callahan Touch, The, Spider Robinson, Ace, 1995 Chick is in the Mail, The, ed. Friesner, Baen, 2000 City. Clifford Somak, Ace, 1952 Cruiser Dreams, Janet Morris, Berkeley, 1981 SF Destiny's Road, L.Niven, Tor, 1997 Door Through Space, The, M.Zimmer Bradley, Ace, 1961 SF Dosadi Experiment, The, Frank Herbert, Berkeley, 1977 SF Dream Dancer, Janet Morris, Berkeley, 1981 SF Dream Snake, Vonda McIntyre, Dell, 1978, SF Earth Dreams, Janet Morris, Berkeley, 1982 SF Earth is Room Enough, I. Asimov, 1957 Empery, MP Kube-McDowell, Berkeley, 1987 Forever War, The, Joe Haldeman, Del Rey, 1974 Foundation, Asimov, Avon, 1951 SF Future City, ed. R.Elwood, Sphere, 1976 SF Glory Road, Robert Heinlein, Avon, 1963 SF Godmakers, The, Dan Britain, Pinnacle, 1971 Gripping Hand, The, L.Niven, Pocket, 1993 Hardwired Angel, Abercrombie & Dorsey, Pulp Press, 1987 High Couch of Silistra, Janet Morris, Simon&Schuster, 1978 Golden Sword, Janet Morris, Simon&Schuster, 1978 Wind from the Abyss, Janet Morris, Simon&Schuster, 1979 The Carnelian Throne, Janet Morris, Simon&Schuster, 1980 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, D.Adams, Pan, 1979 Hobbit, The, Tolkien, Grafton, 1991 2 copies Illuminatus Trilogy, Shea & Wilson, Dell, 1975 In Alien Flesh, Gregory Benford, Tor, 1986 Infinity Link, The, J.Carver, Tor, 1984, SF Great SF Adventures, Lancer, 1968 SF Green Hills of Earth, The, R.Heinlein, Signet, 1951 Known Space, 3 books of, L.Niven, Del Rey, 1996 Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, Harper, 1995 2 copies Long Arm of Gil Hamilton, The, Larry Niven, Del Rey, 1976 SF Magic For Sale, ed. Davidson, Ace Meeting With Medusa, A.C.Clarke, TDR, 1988 Mindbridge, Haldeman, Avon, 1976 Mona Lisa Overdrive, W.Gibson, Bantam, 1988 Morniong of the Magicians, The, Pauwels & Bergier, Mayflower 1971 SF Mote in God's Eye, The, Larry Niven L.Pournelle, Ace, 1974 SF Neuromancer, W.Gibson, Ace, 1984 Neutron Star, Larry Niven, Ballantine, 1968 SF Outpassage, Janet Morris, Pageant 1988 Palimpsests, Scholz & Harcourt, Ace, 1984 Pilgrimage, Z.Henderson, Avon, 1961 SF Ringworld, Larry Niven, Del Rey, 1970 SF Ringworld Engineers, Larry Niven, Del Rey, 1980 SF Stand, The, Stephen King, Signet, 1978 Stand on Zanzibar, John Bruner, Ballantine, 1968, SF Starfire, Ingo Swann, Sphere, 1978 SF Starmind, Spider Robinson, Ace, 1996 SF Stars in my pocket like Grains of Sand, S. Delany,Bantam, 1984 Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein, Berkeley, 1961 3 copies SF Tesseracts, ed. Dorsey & Truscott, Porsepic, 1990 The Magic Goes Away, Larry Niven, Ace, 1978 SF The Magic May Return, Larry Niven, Ace, 1981 SF 2 copies The People: No Different Flesh, Z.Henderson, Avon, 1968 SF Transition, V.McIntyre, Bantam, 1991 Trader to the Stars, Poul Anderson, Berkeley, 1964 SF Triton, Delany, Bantam, 1976 Trouble Twisters, The, Poul Anderson, Berkeley, 1974 SF Ultimatum: Pu 94, Dan & Mann, Liesure Books, 1977 SF Vectors, M.Kube-McDowell, Bantam, 2002 White Plague, The, Frank Herbert, Berkeley, 1982 SF World's To Come, ed. Damon Knight, 1967 SF World Treasury of Science Fiction, ed.Hartwell, LBC, 1989
13th Gen, Howe & Strauss, Random House, 1993 14,000 Things to be Happy About, B.Kipper, Workman, 1990 Accelerated Learning, C.Rose, Dell, 1985 Anatomy of an Illness, N.Cousins, Bantam, 1979 Art of Making Wine, Anderson & Hull, HBJ, 1968 Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia, 1987 Best in Chess, The, Horowitz Book of Lists, The, D. Wallechinsky, 1978 Classic Puzzles, Dudenay, 2002 Colombo's Concise Quotations, Hurtig, 1976 Competing with the Sylph, L.M.Vincent, MD. 1981, Psych Concise Columbia Encyc., Avon, 1983 ref. Curse of Lono, The, Hunter S.Thompson, Bantam, 1983 Distortions of Reality, G.Epps, 1990 Family Medical Guide, AMA, RH, 1992 France, Guide Bleu, 1987 From Free Trade to Forced Trade, Urmetzer, Penguin, 2002 Function of Orgasm, W.Reich, Meridian, 1971 Future Choice Michael Clouse - network marketing, 1996 Future Tense, ed. Curtis, Dell, Dell, 1968 SF Games for the Super-intelligent, J.Fixx, Doubleday, 1972 Games for the Super-intelligent, More, J.Fixx, Doubleday, 1972 German: Look & Learn, Dell Greatest Exploration Stories, ed Brown, Lyons, 2003 Green Lifestyle Handbook, Rifkin, Holt, 1990 Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn, Harper, 1974 Hens Teeth, Stephen J. Gould, Norton, 1983 High School Subjects Self Taught, L.Copeland, 1964 Hodge Podge, J.Bryan 3rdm Ballantine, 1986 Horseback Riding, A Beginner's Guide, S. Wall, Horseback Riding Simplified, Lindsey, Pickwick Horsemen, The, J.White, Whitehse., 2003 How to Shoe a Horse, Hutchinson Factfinder Encyc.,1986 Instant French, Swan, 1967 Irrational Man, W Barrett, Anchor, 1962 Larousse: French-English Dictionary, 1971 Life: a user's manual, essays, ed. miller, NW, 1998 Little Book of Insults, ed. R.Kelley, Parragon, 2002 Little Book of After Dinner Speeches, J.Stokes, Parragon, 2002 Love's Body, Norman Brown, Vintage, 1966 Men are From Cyberspace, Skriloff & Gould, Griffin, 1997 Mensa Obstacle Course, Carlton, 2000 Mexico, My Lost, J.Michener, Tor 1992 Millennium, Fernandez-Armesto, S-S, 1995 hist. Mirror Within, A.Dickson, Quartet, 1985 Money, JK Galbraith, Bantam, 1975 Natural Superiority of Women, A.Montagu, Collier, 1952 None Dare Call it Conspiracy, Gary Allen, Concord, 1971 Not Dead yet, Times Books, 2003 Pocketful of Prose, Vol 2, Madden, Harcourt & Brace, 1996 Photographing the Nude, I.Matanle, Chartwell, 1982 Psychopathia Sexualis, Krafft-Ebing, Panther 1959 Psychotherapy East and West, Alan Watts, Mentor Books 1961 Quotation's, Hyman, Pan, 1962 Reader's Digest Book of Facts, 1985 Re-Inventing the Future, RM Kidder, MIT, 1989 Spanish Through Pictures, Richards, et al, Cardinal 1965 Stories of Famous Operas, HV Milligan, Permabooks, 1950 Successful Women, Angry Men, Campbell, Berkeley, 1987 Theatre, A Concise History, P.Hartnoll, Thames&Hudson, 1968 Tudor & Stuart Britain, Roger Lockyer, Longman's 1967 Unwanted, The, Dr. C. Barnard, McKay, NY, 1975 Winning the Greatest Game of all, Ward, Cimarron, 1984 World Atlas, Reader's Digest, 1989 World Atlas, Time Books, 1978 World Guide, Pan Am's, M-H 1982
Best Places to Stay: Caribbean, Jamison, Houghton-M, 1996 Bahamas, Frommer, 2001 Canada: A Portrait, 52nd ed., StatsCan, 1989 Cancun Handbook, Mallan, Moon Pub. 1998 Europe on a Shoestring, Lonely Planet, 1985 French for Travellers, Berlitz, 1975 Isles of the Caribbean, Nat.Geo, 1980 Mato Grosso, A.SmithDutton, 1971 Mexican Spanish, A Rough Guide, Penguin, 1996 Mexico: Lonely Planet, 1985 Mexico Travel Book, AAA, 2003 Okanagan Back Roads, D.Stewart, Saltaire, 1975 Trip to the Beach, Blanchard, Three Rivers Press, 2004 Walks in Swaledale, Geoffrey White, 1976 World facts & Maps, Rand McNally, 1993 White Wine Companion, G.Spence, Firefly, 1998
Basics of Networking, D.Failla, 2000 Being the Best you can Be in MLM, J.Kallench, MIM, 1990 Beware the Naked Man, H Mackay, Ivy, 1990 Creating Webpages for Dummies, IDG, 2002 Donald Trump, Gwenda Blair, EcoSpasm Report, The, A.Toffler, Bantam, 1973 Excel Networking, Litman&Oman 2002 How to be a Self-Fulfilled Publisher, Gary Scott, 1992 How to Win Friends & Influence People, Carnegie, Pocket, 1940 How to Sell Anybody Anything, Joe Girard, Warner, 1977 In Search of Excellence, Peters & Waterman, Warner 1982 One Minute Millionaire, Hansen & Allen, Harmony, 2002 Power of Positive Thinking, NV Peale, R-H, 1992 Selling Strategy, M.Gross, Arco, 1974 Success System That Never Fails, Stone, P-H, 1962 Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, Stone, 1977 2 copies Ten Greatest Salespersons, Shook, Harper, 1978 Think & Grow Rich, Napolean Hill Wave 3: Networking, R.Poe, Prima 1997 Wave 4: Networking, R.Poe, Prima 1999 Who Stole the American Dream, Burke Hedges, 1992 4copies
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