Organo Gold Coffee Business Primer

Frequently Asked Questions:

To become an Organo Gold distributor and to begin building your world wide business, contact Geoff White: geoffwhite49 @ or on facebook as Geoff W. White

How do I make money at this business?

Easy. Drink the coffee and show the plan. The daily activities are as simple as drinking coffee and talking with people. We don’t have to “sell” the coffee, because most people drink coffee or tea every day anyway, we just want them to try OG so we give them a sample. Learn how below.


How much money can I earn?

The official Organo Gold earnings statement in US $$ is found here:

Earnings figures are given in US dollars. Your investment is limited to the annual fee of US $50, plus the cost of coffee you buy to sell or to give away as samples.

How are sales made?

Sales are made by you personally, and by your distributors. Sales are dependent on your personal activity initially. Later, they are dependent on the activity of your distributors.

There are many possible formulae for success. For example,

If your monthly income goal is NT $100,000. That’s NT $25,000 per week. Or NT $5,000/day, with 2 days off/wk

If a box of coffee is NT $550 and you sell it for NT $1100, you must sell 9 boxes per day. Very easy, we will look at how to do it later.

You will meet people who will want to build a business just like you. You sign them up as distributors and will earn commissions on their sales too. To build a business you must sponsor at least two people to be distributors just like you.

The Organo Gold system pays commissions and bonuses in 7 ways, see The OG Comp Plan

but for now, assume that you earn 10% of your team’s sales as commission and that they sell only one box of coffee per day at NT $1100 You earn NT $110 per box. If your goal is NT $100,000 per month earnings, your team must sell 909 boxes of coffee per month. If each of your team sells 20 boxes per month, or one per day, you need 45 distributors.

Because each of your personally sponsored team can also sponsor someone to be a distributor and can build a business, you will not personally sign-up all 45 people. You earn commissions on sales several levels deep.

In real life a distributor signs up two friends on average to be distributors so the compensation plan is built on that model. You must sponsor at least two people personally. We call them your left leg and your right leg. To build their business they also will sponsor two people, and so on. Not everybody works as hard or as fast as you do, but some people may surprise you and work harder than you do. So there are many ways to reach your goal and the Organo Gold computer keeps track of all commissions and pays you every week as you qualify. For the details you must see the OG Compensation plan. There are many videos on youtube that explain this. However you do not need to understand it all because the computer tracks it for you. All you need to do is: Use the product and show the plan, as follows.

What are my Daily Activites?

Daily activities are simple: first, be a product of the product, in other words drink the coffee, or tea, or chocolate. You will want to experience the health benefits of ganoderma lucidum and to enjoy the taste of great Organo Gold drinks. If you cannot do this maybe the OG business is not for you.

Second, meet people, and if they seem friendly and accepting, give them a sample. Ask them the four questions. It’s easy, it’s simple, It’s coffee. Watch the videos and you will learn how easy it is to get people to try the Organo Gold products. Just ask the 4 questions and give them a sample.

Follow-up is important. When you give away a sample you tell the person you will follow up the next day with a phone call to ask them how it made them feel, just tell me what you think. Again, easy.

This is a primer, and as you learn more you will do more. This is the age of social media and the younger generation is very connected, you/they will employ social media in ways never imagined by traditional sales companies. We are entering a very exciting time.

Organo Gold is open for business in more than 25 countries. World-wide, the market numbers in billions of people. Earnings are about to sky rocket for those who engage in the opportunity. With the worldwide web, old school ways of earning a living, like showing up to a job for an hour’s wage, will be far exceeded by tomorrow’s small to medium sized businesses. Organo Gold is a perfect vehicle for the next millennium.

To become an Organo Gold distributor and to begin building your world wide business, contact Geoff White: geoffwhite49 @ or on facebook as Geoff W. White